New Single and Short Film WE TRAVEL

New Single and Short Film WE TRAVEL

We Travel

We are prisoners.

Not of any penal institution in particular but of self-perception. And stuck there by obvious, lazy, predictable comfort.

And nothing helps us escape this zone better than stepping out of the over-valued, over-flattered, and probably over-sung country in which we were born. Escaping our familiar contexts seems one of the better and most tangible reset buttons that life, in its infinite wisdom, has seen fit to have us believe was our idea. Better than movies, better than the internet, better than meth, I've been told. It was instrumental in my, and probably every immigrant’s path to re-considering not only the possible causes of a self unborn, but notions of citizenry and how we nourish identity.

I travel as much as I can possibly afford, for I know that the crossing of borders and the changes in points of view, literal and metaphorical, supply me with a seemingly inexhaustible reservoir of curiosity. While in Peru in October 2015, as part of my family’s decision to take a year-long sabbatical, I started reflecting (as one does on a four-day trek to Huayna Picchu) about how millions of people lucky enough to go beyond their native lands, spend their time, record their memories, think about "travel" at all! Do they think about it as exploration or vacation?

“Sightseeing,” a pitiful term that came into popular use at the beginning of the nineteenth century to describe the nascent trend of solely visiting places of major and acknowledged interest, has come to symbolize the travel industry as a whole, perhaps now better dubbed the "tourist trade," the willful understanding of a different culture and its people a distant concern. Are we just checking off a box? Our soft feet are fouling the hard soil of another land, offering the opportunity to imagine ourself in the shoes of those who have come before us, and, through imagination, attempt, however futile the ambition, to understand where we came from and all we do is perspective ourselves holding up the tower of Pisa?!

As a result, what we come home with are stacks of pictures that reflect static memories. And what reflects static memories creates static memories. Which hold us prisoner...

How about putting away the travel algorithm, shutting down the computer, shelving the guide book, and folding the map back up? Let us not trust, for a time at least, any form of curation, selection, or other editorial put upon our world by dubious tastemakers, and instead take our feet for a walk into the unknown...

That's what I was thinking that October morning and, instead of a blog post, I wrote this song, and enlisted some of the incredible musicians we met along the way to help us make it better than we could ever imagine...


Some have called this "music video" the most important artistic expression of forgiveness to come around in a generation, you be the judge...

We’ve been carrying this chord progression in our back pocket for ten years, and it was about time to put it to the test. For some reason, the melodic structure arose when one of the kids got yelled at by his mother and the tune wrote itself from there! Starting in the middle of the fight with an out-of-tune piano, sounding like Sampha in his mother's basement, we barge in with heavy slaps and a driving beat, rounding out with some old voice memos recorded by the youngs when we weren't looking...


As power forward whose NBA career spanned from 1985 to 1997, #23 Wayman Tisdale was an inspiration to many, but none more-so than to Darren who discovered that he was also an accomplished bass player who often took his instrument on the team bus, to Charles Barkley's great annoyance! Armed with a great groove, a memorable melody, and words from the man himself, we shot this one across the three-point line with Nils on trumpet as well as G.A.D. handing out a fierce guitar solo!


A lone figure walks an abandoned earth, looking for answers... Too often, in conversation, or our myriad other ways to communicate these days, we tend to ask each other about who we (think we) are, about what we do, or about how we do it, but seldom bother to express what brought us here, what our motivations might have been; we seldom ask... why.

'The Whys' are the foundation. Exploring together the profound nature of our intentions, be they individual or collective, can nurture empathy and hopefully create a sense of self that is true, for the moment. Let's close our eyes, and allow this meditative musical journey transport us to a peaceful place within our own synapses, where we just might find ourselves...


“We must focus on the nice things!” That’s what we kept telling ourselves as the pandemic got deeper and deeper and deeper… Surely there’s something to positive thinking? Not sure. But we gave it our best shot with Beautiful Life!

You A Late Bloomer?

You A Late Bloomer?

Nothing better than a cozy hoodie to listen to the album…




Listen through some of the tunes that have nourished the soil we spring from…


WED, June 19. 7PM / Rockwood Music Hall